But now I have a bone to pick with him! He has a posting dated August 14, titled "Tips For Strippers"
where he speaks to his process of stripping shellac off of antique woodwork. Nice entry with his advice on products and methods for the cleanest removal of old shellac. I read merrily along until I came to this passage...
From "the Petch House" on blogspot.com
"Finally, and this really is the most important tip for would-be strippers. I don’t care what professional strippers tell you, do not do this job in a G-string and pasties. I found this tip on several professional stripper sites. Let me tell you, I tried it and it is not good. However, after seeing many of the woman who do wear this sort of attire while doing this job, the next time I will be hiring this work out."
Ok Greg... now we have a problem! I am the witty, sarcastic, irreverent house blogger, and you have overstepped your bounds! Hee Hee... more comedy Greg, please!
So, I guess I must treat my entry about paint stripping very simple and straight forward. No mention of pasties and thongs, although I think we all would have a lot more readers if we posted photos of stripping while wearing a thong. So I am going to get Phillip to pose for us next time and I will then challenge Greg at the Petch House to do likewise. A "stripping in thong" pic off could be quite entertaining! So everyone head to your local hardware store and then to your favorite "underwear of questionable decorum" shop, and get to stripping. Send us your pictures and I will post them all here for everyone to vote on!
Now... no more stripper comedy, I promise...
The walls continue to close in
That is the beadboard on the walls in this photograph from two years ago.
This is how it looked a week ago
Cut to size and ready for the wood planer and stripping,
dollar bills in the "cracks only" please!

An electric wood planer made fast work of cutting the ancient paint off of the surface. We connected the planer to a vacuum cleaner and all of the dust and residue ("OMG, is that lead paint? what about my children?") was sucked away as the surface was cleaned. A good chemical stripping of the edges and the v groove down the center of each board, followed by a thorough scrubbing and washing left us with beautiful, one hundred year old beadboard for a half wainscot on the walls of the breakfast room .
Piece by piece I coaxed the old lumber into position...
Add a bit of serious sanding, followed by some lovely blue board above, and we have... well, yet another unfinished room, but at least there is an end in sight! Now its time to prime that fresh wood.
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